Help Us Collect Holiday Donations For 30 Orphans Living With AIDS This Christmas

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]please-donateThe holiday season is drastically upon us! During the holidays, we find ourselves scurrying around on countless trips to people-packed stores picking up last minute items we missed on our Christmas lists. In all this holiday madness it is sometimes hard for us to stop and consider those that are less fortunate. During the holiday season, many orphan children are in need – this is why Pediatrics in Paradise has taken the initiative to help brighten the holiday celebrations of these special children.

Starting December 14th, we will be accepting donations at both of our Pediatrics in Paradise locations for Eunime Por Tijuana. We will then deliver all collected donations on December 23rd to 30 ORPHAN children affected with AIDS living in the home. We would genuinely ask everyone in the local communities to help grow our donations so the children may have the best Christmas yet this year!

How To Help: To join our cause in brightening a child’s Christmas this year simply bring any donations to either of our Pediatrics locations before December 22nd.

What To Donate: New children toys and clothes, milk powder, laundry detergent soap, treats and chocolate. They love sweet treats!

We need everyone’s help to ensure we can deliver the biggest collection of goodies to these children for Christmas! Remember, no donation is too small in the eyes of an orphan child in need. Take advantage of this great opportunity in your local community and enjoy your holiday season knowing you lent an ever-loving helping hand.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Visit Their Website” color=”green” link=”||”][vc_video link=”” title=”Watch Their Video” css=”.vc_custom_1450244470465{margin-top: 15px !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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