8 Amazing Apps for Easier Parenting

No matter If you’re raising an infant, teen or in-between, there’s an app for you.  Here are a few of our favorites that get rave reviews from parents.

Baby Connect (Android and Apple)

Baby Connect (by SeaCloud Software) is a new parent’s best friend. This #1 activity logger is user-friendly and keeps track of all the daily details of caring for your new baby. With feeding timers, medicine tracking, vaccine lists, graphs and trending charts, it even lets you exchange information in real time with your spouse, babysitter or daycare provider. Plus it’s great for sharing information when you visit your doctor.

Baby Sleep Instant (Android)

Baby Sleep Instant (by Urbandroid) helps your baby fall asleep using classic monotonous low-frequency sounds  that are amazingly effective, even if they’re somewhat surprising (vacuum cleaner, really?) Parents love how it soothes crying and cranky babies.  With an automatic timer it’s easy to preset and leave in baby’s room. Sounds include running water from a shower, washing machine, car motor, hair dryer, fan, train, shush and heartbeats. See which ones your little one finds calming.

Baby Monitor & Alarm (Android and Apple)

Baby Monitor and Alarm (by TappyTaps) is the perfect solution for traveling without having to bring your home baby monitor.  It alerts you (via a second phone) when your baby wakes up and starts crying. It lets you record your own voice to soothe a waking baby, play lullabies and record every noise your child makes during the night.

Family Locator (Android and Apple)

Family Locator (by life 360) lets family and close friends you put in your “circle” stay in sync throughout the day by showing their locations on a private map. It’s perfect for visits to amusement parks or large events. It also lets you do group and one-on-one messaging and get help in an emergency.  If you or your kids ever leave their phone somewhere you can track it this way too!

Cozi Family Organizer (Android and Apple)

This organizer turns your devices into an ultimate family organizer with a shared color-coded family appointment/practice/meeting calendar, shopping lists, to do lists, recipe box and even a family journal for things or photos you don’t want to forget.

The Gratitude Habit, a Happiness Workshop (Apple)

The Gratitude Habit (by LiveBetter You & GiGi Games) is a very simple but effective tool for you and your kids to appreciate life and focus on the positive through stories and games. It helps us remember to be grateful and live a happy life!

Happier (Android and Apple)

Happier (by Happier Inc) is like a personal mindfulness coach who helps lift your mood and savor the small happy moments in your day. It includes a gratitude journal and you can share or read happy moments from other Happier users in this positive community.

McMillin Elementary School App (Google Play)

Parents with kids attending McMillin Elementary in the Chula Vista School District can download this app from the school district and access the school calendar and parent handbook, record messages for the absence line and access the teacher directory.



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